BB-код: рейтинг фильма с IMDB и КиноПоиска

BB-код: рейтинг фильма с IMDB и КиноПоиска 1.0.0


Обратите внимание, если вы хотите заключить сделку с этим пользователем, что он заблокирован.
Ругается на эти строчки
"#\[kp\]($url_exp)\[/kp\]#isu" => '<a href="$1" target="_blank"><img src="./ratings/kinopoisk.php?url=$1" ></a>',
"#\[imdb\]($url_exp)\[/imdb\]#isu" => '<a href="$1" target="_blank"><img src="./ratings/imdb.php?url=$1" ></a>',
Notice: Undefined variable: url_exp in /var/www/60fps/data/www/ on line 604
Notice: Undefined variable: url_exp in /var/www/60fps/data/www/ on line 605


Kryl об этом уже писали раз 50, наверное, поиск по форуму не просто так. Это из-за переноса функции проверки url ниже по тексту. Строку

Please Login or Register to view hidden text.

после вот этой копируем

Please Login or Register to view hidden text.

, для начала хватит.


Обратите внимание, если вы хотите заключить сделку с этим пользователем, что он заблокирован.
Спасибо . заработало .
Маленькая правка :) :
$xml = simplexml_load_file('

Please Login or Register to view hidden text.

' . $id . '.xml');
поменять на :
$xml = simplexml_load_file("

Please Login or Register to view hidden text.



Обратите внимание, если вы хотите заключить сделку с этим пользователем, что он заблокирован.
Что бы граждане по форуму не ползали в поисках ответов ..


  • рейтинг.zip
    47.5 KB · Просмотры: 85


Обратите внимание, если вы хотите заключить сделку с этим пользователем, что он заблокирован.
У меня TP 2.1.5 A5. Ошибка это строчку:
"#\[kp\]($url_exp)\[/kp\]#isu" => '<a href="$1" target="_blank"><img src="./ratings/kinopoisk.php?url=$1" ></a>',
"#\[imdb\]($url_exp)\[/imdb\]#isu" => '<a href="$1" target="_blank"><img src="./ratings/imdb.php?url=$1" ></a>',

: Undefined variable: url_exp in /home/admin/web/ on line 524
: Undefined variable: url_exp in /home/admin/web/ on line 525


Обратите внимание, если вы хотите заключить сделку с этим пользователем, что он заблокирован.
vds вот буквально на два сообщения выше что?

if (!defined('BB_ROOT')) die(basename(__FILE__));


$page_cfg['include_bbcode_js'] = true;

// BBCode templates
function get_bbcode_tpl ()
$bbcode_tpl = array();

// Quote
$bbcode_tpl['quote_open'] = <<<HTML
<div class="q-wrap">
<div class="q">

$bbcode_tpl['quote_username_open'] = <<<HTML
<div class="q-wrap">
<div class="q" head="\\1">

$bbcode_tpl['quote_close'] = <<<HTML

// Code
$bbcode_tpl['code_open'] = <<<HTML
<div class="c-wrap">
<div class="c-body">

$bbcode_tpl['code_close'] = <<<HTML

// Spoiler
$bbcode_tpl['spoiler_open'] = <<<HTML
<div class="sp-wrap">
<div class="sp-body">

$bbcode_tpl['spoiler_title_open'] = <<<HTML
<div class="sp-wrap">
<div class="sp-body" title="\\1">
<h3 class="sp-title">\\1</h3>

$bbcode_tpl['spoiler_close'] = <<<HTML

// Thumb
$bbcode_tpl['thumb'] = <<<HTML
<a href="\\1" onclick="return hs.expand(this)" rel="topic" class="highslide"><img src="\\1" border="0" style="max-width:200px; max-height:120px;" class="thumb"/></a>

// Image
$bbcode_tpl['img'] = <<<HTML
<var class="postImg" title="$1">&#10;</var>

$bbcode_tpl['img_aligned'] = <<<HTML
<var class="postImg postImgAligned img-\\1" title="\\2">&#10;</var>

// HR
$bbcode_tpl['hr'] = <<<HTML
<span class="post-hr">-</span>

array_deep($bbcode_tpl, 'bbcode_tpl_compact');
return $bbcode_tpl;

function bbcode_tpl_compact ($text)
$text = str_compact($text);
$text = str_replace('> <', '><', $text);
return $text;

// prepare a posted message for entry into the database
function prepare_message ($message)
$message = bbcode::clean_up($message);
$message = htmlCHR($message, false, ENT_NOQUOTES);
return $message;

// Fill smiley templates (or just the variables) with smileys
// Either in a window or inline
function generate_smilies($mode)
global $bb_cfg, $template, $lang, $user, $datastore;

$inline_columns = 4;
$inline_rows = 7;
$window_columns = 8;

if ($mode == 'window')

$data = $datastore->get('smile_replacements');

if ($sql = $data['smile'])
$num_smilies = 0;
$rowset = array();
foreach ($sql as $row)
if (empty($rowset[$row['smile_url']]))
$rowset[$row['smile_url']]['code'] = addslashes($row['code']);
$rowset[$row['smile_url']]['emoticon'] = $row['emoticon'];

if ($num_smilies)
$smilies_count = ($mode == 'inline') ? min(19, $num_smilies) : $num_smilies;
$smilies_split_row = ($mode == 'inline') ? $inline_columns - 1 : $window_columns - 1;

$s_colspan = 0;
$row = 0;
$col = 0;

while (list($smile_url, $data) = @each($rowset))
if (!$col)
$template->assign_block_vars('smilies_row', array());

$template->assign_block_vars('smilies_row.smilies_col', array(
'SMILEY_CODE' => $data['code'],
'SMILEY_IMG' => $bb_cfg['smilies_path'] . '/' . $smile_url,
'SMILEY_DESC' => $data['emoticon'],

$s_colspan = max($s_colspan, $col + 1);

if ($col == $smilies_split_row)
if ($mode == 'inline' && $row == $inline_rows - 1)
$col = 0;

if ($mode == 'inline' && $num_smilies > $inline_rows * $inline_columns)
$template->assign_block_vars('switch_smilies_extra', array());

'U_MORE_SMILIES' => POSTING_URL ."?mode=smilies",

'S_SMILIES_COLSPAN' => $s_colspan,

if ($mode == 'window')
print_page('posting_smilies.tpl', 'simple');

// some functions from vB
// #############################################################################
* Strips away
tags and their contents from the specified string
* @param string Text to be stripped of quote tags
* @return string
function strip_quotes ($text)
$lowertext = strtolower($text);

// find all [quote tags
$start_pos = array();
$curpos = 0;
$pos = strpos($lowertext, '[quote', $curpos);
if ($pos !== false)
$start_pos["$pos"] = 'start';
$curpos = $pos + 6;
while ($pos !== false);

if (sizeof($start_pos) == 0)
return $text;

// find all
$end_pos = array();
$curpos = 0;
$pos = strpos($lowertext, '[/quote', $curpos);
if ($pos !== false)
$end_pos["$pos"] = 'end';
$curpos = $pos + 8;
while ($pos !== false);

if (sizeof($end_pos) == 0)
return $text;

// merge them together and sort based on position in string
$pos_list = $start_pos + $end_pos;

// build a stack that represents when a quote tag is opened
// and add non-quote text to the new string
$stack = array();
$newtext = '[...] ';
$substr_pos = 0;
foreach ($pos_list AS $pos => $type)
$stacksize = sizeof($stack);
if ($type == 'start')
// empty stack, so add from the last close tag or the beginning of the string
if ($stacksize == 0)
$newtext .= substr($text, $substr_pos, $pos - $substr_pos);
array_push($stack, $pos);
// pop off the latest opened tag
if ($stacksize)
$substr_pos = $pos + 8;

// add any trailing text
$newtext .= substr($text, $substr_pos);

// check to see if there's a stack remaining, remove those points
// as key points, and repeat. Allows emulation of a non-greedy-type
// recursion.
if ($stack)
foreach ($stack AS $pos)
while ($stack);

return $newtext;

// #############################################################################
* Strips away bbcode from a given string, leaving plain text
* @param string Text to be stripped of bbcode tags
* @param boolean If true, strip away quote tags AND their contents
* @param boolean If true, use the fast-and-dirty method rather than the shiny and nice method
* @return string
function strip_bbcode ($message, $stripquotes = true, $fast_and_dirty = false, $showlinks = true)
$find = array();
$replace = array();

if ($stripquotes)
username написал(а):
$message = strip_quotes($message);

// a really quick and rather nasty way of removing bbcode
if ($fast_and_dirty)
// any old thing in square brackets
$find[] = '#\[.*/?\]#siU';
$replace = '';

$message = preg_replace($find, $replace, $message);
// the preferable way to remove bbcode
// simple links
$find[] = '#\[(email|url)=("??)(.+)\\2\]\\3\[/\\1\]#siU';
$replace[] = '\3';

// named links
$find[] = '#\[(email|url)=("??)(.+)\\2\](.+)\[/\\1\]#siU';
$replace[] = ($showlinks ? '\4 (\3)' : '\4');

// smilies
$find[] = '#(?<=^|\W):)\w+?:)(?=$|\W)#';
$replace[] = '';

// replace
$message = preg_replace($find, $replace, $message);

// strip out all other instances of [x]...[/x]
while (preg_match('#\[([a-z]+)\s*?(?:[^\]]*?)\](.*?)(\[/\1\])#is', $message, $m))
$message = str_replace($m[0], $m[2], $message);

$replace = array('[*]', '
', '[br]', '[align=center]', '[align=left]', '[align=right]');
$message = str_replace($replace, ' ', $message);

return $message;

function extract_search_words ($text)
global $bb_cfg;

$max_words_count = $bb_cfg['max_search_words_per_post'];
$min_word_len = max(2, $bb_cfg['search_min_word_len'] - 1);
$max_word_len = $bb_cfg['search_max_word_len'];

$text = ' ' . str_compact(strip_tags(mb_strtolower($text))) . ' ';
$text = str_replace(array('&#91;', '&#93;'), array('[', ']'), $text);

// HTML entities like &nbsp;
$text = preg_replace('/(\w*?)&#?[0-9a-z]+;(\w*?)/iu', '', $text);
// Remove URL's ((www|ftp)\.[\w\#!$%&~/.\-;:=,?@а-яА-Я\[\]+]*?)
$text = preg_replace('#\b[a-z0-9]+://[\w\#!$%&~/.\-;:=,?@а-яА-Я\[\]+]+(/[0-9a-z\?\.%_\-\+=&/]+)?#u', ' ', $text);
$text = str_replace(' == 'sphinx')
return join("\n", $words);
DB()->query("DELETE FROM ". BB_POSTS_SEARCH ." WHERE post_id = $post_id");

if ($words_sql = DB()->escape(join("\n", $words)))
DB()->query("REPLACE INTO ". BB_POSTS_SEARCH ." (post_id, search_words) VALUES ($post_id, '$words_sql')");

class bbcode
var $tpl = array(); // шаблоны для замены тегов
var $smilies = null; // смайлы
var $found_spam = null; // найденные спам "слова"
var $del_words = array(); // см. get_words_rate()
var $tidy_cfg = array(
'drop-empty-paras' => false,
'fix-uri' => false,
'force-output' => true,
'hide-comments' => true,
'join-classes' => false,
'join-styles' => false,
'merge-divs' => false,
'merge-spans' => false,
'newline' => 'LF',
'output-xhtml' => true,
'preserve-entities' => true,
'quiet' => true,
'quote-ampersand' => false,
'show-body-only' => true,
'show-errors' => false,
'show-warnings' => false,
'wrap' => 0,
var $block_tags = array(
var $preg = array();
var $str = array();
var $preg_search = array();
var $preg_repl = array();
var $str_search = array();
var $str_repl = array();

* Constructor
function bbcode ()
$this->tpl = get_bbcode_tpl();


* init_replacements
function init_replacements ()
$tpl = $this->tpl;
$img_exp = '(https?:)?//[^\s\?&;=\#\"<>]+?\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png)([a-z0-9/?&%;][^\[\]]*)?';
$email_exp = '[a-z0-9&\-_.]+?@[\w\-]+\.([\w\-\.]+\.)?[\w]+';

$this->preg = array(
$text = preg_replace_callback('#(\[(quote|spoiler)=")(.+?)("\])#', array(&$this, 'escape_tiltes_callback'), $text);

// [URL]
$url_exp = '[\w\#!$%&~/.\-;:=,?@а-яА-Я()\[\]+]+?';
$text = preg_replace_callback("#\[url\]((?:https?://)?$url_exp)\[/url\]#isu", array(&$this, 'url_callback'), $text);
$text = preg_replace_callback("#\[url\](www\.$url_exp)\[/url\]#isu", array(&$this, 'url_callback'), $text);
$text = preg_replace_callback("#\[url=((?:https?://)?$url_exp)\]([^?\n\t].*?)\[/url\]#isu", array(&$this, 'url_callback'), $text);
$text = preg_replace_callback("#\[url=(www\.$url_exp)\]([^?\n\t].*?)\[/url\]#isu", array(&$this, 'url_callback'), $text);

// Normalize block level tags wrapped with new lines
$block_tags = join('|', $this->block_tags);
$text = str_replace("\n\n
\n\n", '[br]
[br]', $text);
$text = preg_replace("#(\s*)(\[/?($block_tags)(.*?)\])(\s*)#", '$2', $text);

// Tag replacements
$text = preg_replace($this->preg_search, $this->preg_repl, $text);
$text = str_replace($this->str_search, $this->str_repl, $text);

$text = $this->make_clickable($text);
$text = $this->smilies_pass($text);
$text = $this->new_line2html($text);
$text = trim($text);

if ($bb_cfg['tidy_post'])
$text = $this->tidy($text);

return trim($text);

* Clean up
static function clean_up ($text)
$text = trim($text);
$text = str_replace("\r", '', $text);
$text = preg_replace('#[ \t]+$#m', '', $text); // trailing spaces
$text = preg_replace('#\n{3,}#', "\n\n", $text);
return $text;

* Spam filter
private function spam_filter ($text)
global $bb_cfg;
static $spam_words = null;
static $spam_replace = ' СПАМ';

if (isset($this))
$found_spam =& $this->found_spam;

// set $spam_words and $spam_replace
if (!$bb_cfg['spam_filter_file_path'])
return $text;
if (is_null($spam_words))
$spam_words = file_get_contents($bb_cfg['spam_filter_file_path']);
$spam_words = strtolower($spam_words);
$spam_words = explode("\n", $spam_words);

$found_spam = array();

$tm_start = utime();

$msg_decoded = $text;
$msg_decoded = html_entity_decode($msg_decoded);
$msg_decoded = urldecode($msg_decoded);
$msg_decoded = str_replace('&', ' &', $msg_decoded);

$msg_search = strtolower($msg_decoded);

foreach ($spam_words as $spam_str)
if (!$spam_str = trim($spam_str))
if (strpos($msg_search, $spam_str) !== false)
$found_spam[] = $spam_str;
if ($found_spam)
$spam_exp = array();
foreach ($found_spam as $keyword)
$spam_exp[] = preg_quote($keyword, '/');
$spam_exp = join('|', $spam_exp);

$text = preg_replace("/($spam_exp)(\S*)/i", $spam_replace, $msg_decoded);
$text = htmlCHR($text, false, ENT_NOQUOTES);
# bb_log(date("H:i:s") ." | ". sprintf('%.4f', (utime() - $tm_start)) ." | ". sprintf('%-6s', strlen($text)) ." | ". join(' ** ', $found_spam) ."\n", 'spam_filter');

return $text;

    function code_callback ($m)
        $code = trim($m[2]);
        $code = str_replace('  ', '&nbsp; ', $code);
        $code = str_replace('  ', ' &nbsp;', $code);
        $code = str_replace("\t", '&nbsp; ', $code);
        $code = str_replace(array('[', ']', ':', ')'), array('&#91;', '&#93;', '&#58;', '&#41;'), $code);
        return $this->tpl['code_open'] . $code . $this->tpl['code_close'];

    * [url] callback
    function url_callback ($m)
        global $bb_cfg;

        $url = trim($m[1]);
        $url_name = (isset($m[2])) ? trim($m[2]) : $url;

        if (!preg_match("#^https?://#isu", $url) && !preg_match("/^#/", $url)) $url = 'http://' . $url;

        if (in_array(parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST), $bb_cfg['nofollow']['allowed_url']) || $bb_cfg['nofollow']['disabled'])
            $link = "<a href=\"$url\" class=\"postLink\">$url_name</a>";
            $link = "<a href=\"$url\" class=\"postLink\" rel=\"nofollow\">$url_name</a>";

        return $link;

    * Escape tags inside tiltes in [quote="tilte"]
    function escape_tiltes_callback ($m)
        $tilte = substr($m[3], 0, 250);
        $tilte = str_replace(array('[', ']', ':', ')', '"'), array('&#91;', '&#93;', '&#58;', '&#41;', '&#34;'), $tilte);
        // еще раз htmlspecialchars, т.к. при извлечении из title происходит обратное преобразование
        $tilte = htmlspecialchars($tilte, ENT_QUOTES);
        return $m[1] . $tilte . $m[4];

    * make_clickable
    function make_clickable ($text)
        $url_regexp = "#

        // pad it with a space so we can match things at the start of the 1st line.
        $ret = " $text ";

        // hide passkey
        $ret = hide_passkey($ret);

        // matches an "xxxx://yyyy" URL at the start of a line, or after a space.
        $ret = preg_replace_callback($url_regexp, array(&$this, 'make_url_clickable_callback'), $ret);

        // Remove our padding..
        $ret = substr(substr($ret, 0, -1), 1);


    * make_url_clickable_callback
    function make_url_clickable_callback ($m)
        global $bb_cfg;

        $max_len = 70;
        $href    = $m[1];
        $name    = (mb_strlen($href, 'UTF-8') > $max_len) ? mb_substr($href, 0, $max_len - 19) .'...'. mb_substr($href, -16) : $href;

        if (in_array(parse_url($href, PHP_URL_HOST), $bb_cfg['nofollow']['allowed_url']) || $bb_cfg['nofollow']['disabled'])
            $link = "<a href=\"$href\" class=\"postLink\">$name</a>";
            $link = "<a href=\"$href\" class=\"postLink\" rel=\"nofollow\">$name</a>";

        return $link;

    * smilies_pass
    function smilies_pass ($text)
        global $datastore;

        if (is_null($this->smilies))
            $this->smilies = $datastore->get('smile_replacements');
        if ($this->smilies)
            $parsed_text = preg_replace($this->smilies['orig'], $this->smilies['repl'], $text, 101, $smilies_cnt);
            $text = ($smilies_cnt <= 100) ? $parsed_text : $text;

        return $text;

    * new_line2html
    function new_line2html ($text)
        $text = preg_replace('#\n{2,}#', '<span class="post-br"><br /></span>', $text);
        $text = str_replace("\n", '<br />', $text);
        return $text;

    * tidy
    function tidy ($text)
        $text = tidy_repair_string($text, $this->tidy_cfg, 'utf8');
        return $text;

function bbcode2html ($text)
    global $bbcode;

    if (!isset($bbcode))
        $bbcode = new bbcode();
    $orig_word = array();
    $replacement_word = array();
    obtain_word_list($orig_word, $replacement_word);
    if ( count($orig_word) )
        $text = preg_replace($orig_word, $replacement_word, $text);
    return $bbcode->bbcode2html($text);

class words_rate
    var $dbg_mode      = false;
    var $words_rate    = 0;
    var $deleted_words = array();
    var $del_text_hl   = '';
    var $words_del_exp = '';
    var $words_cnt_exp = '#[a-zA-Zа-яА-ЯёЁ]{4,}#';

    function words_rate ()
        // слова начинающиеся на..
        $del_list = file_get_contents(BB_ROOT .'/library/words_rate_del_list.txt');
        $del_list = str_compact($del_list);
        $del_list = str_replace(' ', '|', preg_quote($del_list, '/'));
        $del_exp  = '/\b('.$del_list.')[\w\-]*/i';

        $this->words_del_exp = $del_exp;

    * возвращает "показатель полезности" сообщения используемый для автоудаления коротких сообщений типа "спасибо", "круто" и т.д.
    function get_words_rate ($text)
        $this->words_rate    = 127;     // максимальное значение по умолчанию
        $this->deleted_words = array();
        $this->del_text_hl   = $text;

        // длинное сообщение
        if (strlen($text) > 600)
            return $this->words_rate;
        // вырезаем цитаты если содержит +1
        if (preg_match('#\+\d+#', $text))
            $text = strip_quotes($text);
        // содержит ссылку
        if (strpos($text, '://'))
            return $this->words_rate;
        // вопрос
        if ($questions = preg_match_all('#\w\?+#', $text, $m))
            if ($questions >= 1)
                return $this->words_rate;

        if ($this->dbg_mode)
            preg_match_all($this->words_del_exp, $text, $this->deleted_words);
            $text_dbg = preg_replace($this->words_del_exp, '<span class="del-word">$0</span>', $text);
            $this->del_text_hl = '<div class="prune-post">'. $text_dbg . '</div>';
        $text = preg_replace($this->words_del_exp, '', $text);

        // удаление смайлов
        $text = preg_replace('#:\w+:#', '', $text);
        // удаление bbcode тегов
        $text = preg_replace('#\[\S+\]#', '', $text);

        $words_count = preg_match_all($this->words_cnt_exp, $text, $m);

        if ($words_count !== false && $words_count < 127)
            $this->words_rate = ($words_count == 0) ? 1 : $words_count;

        return $this->words_rate;

function get_words_rate ($text)
    static $wr = null;
    if (!isset($wr))
        $wr = new words_rate();
    return $wr->get_words_rate($text);

function hide_passkey ($str)
    global $bb_cfg;
    return preg_replace("#\?{$bb_cfg['passkey_key']}=[a-zA-Z0-9]{". BT_AUTH_KEY_LENGTH ."}#", "?{$bb_cfg['passkey_key']}=passkey", $str);

function get_parsed_post ($postrow, $mode = 'full', $return_chars = 600)
    global $bb_cfg;

    if ($bb_cfg['use_posts_cache'] && !empty($postrow['post_html']))
        return $postrow['post_html'];

    $message = bbcode2html($postrow['post_text']);

    // Posts cache
    if ($bb_cfg['use_posts_cache'])
        DB()->shutdown['post_html'][] = array(
            'post_id'   => (int) $postrow['post_id'],
            'post_html' => (string) $message,

    return $message;

function update_post_html ($postrow)
    DB()->query("DELETE FROM ". BB_POSTS_HTML ." WHERE post_id = ". (int) $postrow['post_id'] ." LIMIT 1");
Последнее редактирование:


vds накой мне ваш файл? Тему прочитайте в конце-концов! На пару сообщений выше написана причина "ошибки", а еще ниже архив готовый.


Обратите внимание, если вы хотите заключить сделку с этим пользователем, что он заблокирован.
vds накой мне ваш файл? Тему прочитайте в конце-концов! На пару сообщений выше написана причина "ошибки", а еще ниже архив готовый.
Как? Пожалуйста пишиет подробнее