багом не является [English] Few Problems / Bugs


string from link you give me and mine are same, i have latest TP 2.1.5.

my time 19:00 OK
server time 19:00 OK
php time 19:00 timezone Europe/Bratislava OK
phpmyadmin sql time 2015-07-13 19:00:05 OK
torrentpier unregistered user have topic 14:00 FAIL
torrentpier registered user have topic 21:00 FAIL

so there is bad time only on site torrentpier, all settings, timezones are OK


when i setup in admin utc +1 what is europe/bratislava, then current time is 7:20, when i post on forum 9:20 , tried it setup to -2 but still 9:20, this is strange.

Date 14-Jul 09:20

Všetky časy sú v UTC + 2


Reitak You set up global timezone for board in admin panel. But you have post using your personal timezone set automatically. When you change board timezone in admin panel you still see the time using your personal timezone, so that's alright


yes i know this, but how can i change timezone in profil, there is no option. but ! if it is possible, ok, i change it but in my profile, all guest have another time and all other registered another.

PS : another question, it is possible change counter / speed of refresh data speed download, leecher, seeder? because it takes too long when leecher show on stats, or topic of torrent.
Последнее редактирование:


heh .... i go to phpmyadmin, I and other users have there timezone 2.00 and quest 0.00

when i change timezone to 0.00 on my name, i refresh site, time is correct !! but when i refresh it again, again I have another time


Reitak Being opened at first time the board detects your local personal timezone and put it into database. After refresh the board begins using personal timezone. Why does the board detect UTC+2? It depends on your PC timezone

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