на модерации How to enter administraton after setup?


Версия TP
Hello !
I have just successfully installed TorrentPier Cattle. Version 2.4.5-rc.1 and I am wondering how I can access the administration... I tried changing the password for the admin user in PHPMyadmin, but it doesn't work either. I am using PHP version 8.2
Please answer. Thanks!


Hello !
I have just successfully installed TorrentPier Cattle. Version 2.4.5-rc.1 and I am wondering how I can access the administration... I tried changing the password for the admin user in PHPMyadmin, but it doesn't work either. I am using PHP version 8.2
Please answer. Thanks!
Changing password directly in the database was a bad idea. (Cuz it hashed with password_hash() algos using unique salt)

Try extracting the DB dump again (to restore password) and logging in with the default credentials - admin/admin.

After, in your profile settings, you can easily change your password.

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