1) Upload content of "upload" installation folder to www root folder of your server
2) In MySQL create new DB and import dump from "install/sql/mysql.sql"
3) edit config.php file:
3.a) find $domain_name = ''; and write here your domain name
3.b) find $bb_cfg['db']['db1'] = array('localhost', 'dbase', 'user', 'pass', $charset, $pconnect); and replace dbase, user and pass to your DB name, login and password to access to DB
3.c) if you want English default language find 2 blocks
246: $bb_cfg['default_lang_dir'] = LANG_ROOT_DIR .'lang_russian/';
247: $bb_cfg['default_lang'] = 'russian';
251: $bb_cfg['default_lang_dir'] = LANG_ROOT_DIR .'lang_english/';
252: $bb_cfg['default_lang'] = 'english';
and swap theese blocks
4) if your system is not Windows - change permission on folders listed in ReadMe.txt to 777
5) enter your site. first run can be long time. wait for site is ready.
6) login as admin/admin, and if interface in Russian language - go to and change language to English
7) go to Administration Panel , Product configuration -> Forum settings and in Announce url line change your domain name
8) if you want you can tune TorrentpierII sheduler:
8.a) Go to Administration Panel, Product configuration -> Task Scheduler (Cron) and switch Cron enabled option to No. Save settings.
8.b) in system cron add cron job, for example: */5 * * * * path_to_your_installed_php/php -f /path_to_your_site_www_folder/cron.php
1) in your php installation php.ini must be have theese settings:
mbstring.internal_encoding = UTF-8
magic_quotes_gpc = Off
2) in your php installation must be following modules:
2) In MySQL create new DB and import dump from "install/sql/mysql.sql"
3) edit config.php file:
3.a) find $domain_name = ''; and write here your domain name
3.b) find $bb_cfg['db']['db1'] = array('localhost', 'dbase', 'user', 'pass', $charset, $pconnect); and replace dbase, user and pass to your DB name, login and password to access to DB
3.c) if you want English default language find 2 blocks
246: $bb_cfg['default_lang_dir'] = LANG_ROOT_DIR .'lang_russian/';
247: $bb_cfg['default_lang'] = 'russian';
251: $bb_cfg['default_lang_dir'] = LANG_ROOT_DIR .'lang_english/';
252: $bb_cfg['default_lang'] = 'english';
and swap theese blocks
4) if your system is not Windows - change permission on folders listed in ReadMe.txt to 777
5) enter your site. first run can be long time. wait for site is ready.
6) login as admin/admin, and if interface in Russian language - go to and change language to English
7) go to Administration Panel , Product configuration -> Forum settings and in Announce url line change your domain name
8) if you want you can tune TorrentpierII sheduler:
8.a) Go to Administration Panel, Product configuration -> Task Scheduler (Cron) and switch Cron enabled option to No. Save settings.
8.b) in system cron add cron job, for example: */5 * * * * path_to_your_installed_php/php -f /path_to_your_site_www_folder/cron.php
1) in your php installation php.ini must be have theese settings:
mbstring.internal_encoding = UTF-8
magic_quotes_gpc = Off
2) in your php installation must be following modules: