TorrentPier Aurochs. Версия 2.2.0
Основные изменения:
Основные изменения:
- Release preparation. Crowdin language pack update ()
- TorrentPier Aurochs release preparation ()
- Release preparation. Small bugfixes and readme translation ()
- Crowdin language pack update ()
- IP storage and attachment system bugfix. PHP 5.6+ ()
- Bootstrap update & beginning of the develop branch partial merge ()
- Fix avatars display bug ()
- Cron subsystem rework. Environments ()
- New logotype, favicon and css split & reformat ()
- Whoops error handler for debug users ()
- Replace sitemap to the new external component ()
- Crowdin language pack update. Removed some languages ()
- IP detect subsystem replace. Trash cleanup. Defines ()
- Old ads module removal ()
- External bencode library and some other changes ()
- Added new logo to readme ()
- Bugsnag integration and some bugfixes in for cycles ()
- Bug with variables replacement and Crowdin localization fix ()
- PSR-4 compatible legacy code autoloading ()
- UFT-8 autocorrection removal from standart package ()
- New localization strings and full Crowdin language pack update ()
- Replace own emailer to SwiftMailer ()
- Force email charset and Crowdin language pack update ()
- Crowdin language pack update ()
- Static code analyzer inspection, part 2 ()
- Static code analyzer cherry picked from ()
- Fix compare php version. ()
- Fixed compare version PHP ()
- Deprecated each() function in php 7.2 ()
- Performance refactoring. Remove test code. Fix path in config ()
- Fix many notices in admin_attach_cp.php ()
- Add check lang ()
- Remove order from sql ()
- Fix path to viewtorrent.php ()
- New Crowdin translations ()
- Localization trash cleanup ()
- New Crowdin translations (develop) ()
- New Crowdin translations (master) ()
- Crowdin localization integration prepare and stopwords removal ()
- Crowdin localization integration ()
- New Crowdin translations (develop) ()
- . Fix Error in GET /bt/announce.php ()
- Added check composer install ()
- Fix operators ()
- Files should not be executable ()
- Change paths to absolute pathname ()
- Redundant pagination, mysql 5.7+ issue, release template option ()
- Transfer announce to the php7-optimized database layer ()
- Cleanup repository from old deprecated scripts and server configs ()
- Torrent ajax file list fixes and small reformat ()
- Codacy / Scrutinizer / Code Climate / Coveralls integration, Slack hook to Travis CI ()
- Add a Codacy badge to README.md ()
- Replace Sphinx API to the composer version ()
- Incorrect case close operators (develop) ()
- Incorrect case close operators (master) ()
- Composer init, editor config, some cleanup and much more ()
- Remove eval from admin_attachments and emailer ()
- Fix sql group ()
- Remove Zend ()
- Small fix to the upgrade schema ()
- Fixed id sqllog table and name select db ()
- New external service for look up IP address ()
- New branding and copyright ()
- Poster birthday with no birthday date fix ()
- Tidy deprecated option merge-spans remove ()
- Db logging ()
- CircleCi, CodeCoverage and composer dependencies ()
- Db exceptions, query with binding ()
- PHP 7+ requirements, Travis and other small fixes ()
- New compatible with php7 classes: Db, Config ()
- Refactoring posting_attachments ()
- Update the current year in the license text ()
- Reformat master branch to PSR-2 and MIT license ()
- Master branch up to php 7 compatibility ()
- Removal of unused scripts and server configs ()
- New license - MIT ()
- New coding standart: PSR-2 ()
- Improvements in code and work cache ()
- Migration to the new config subsystem ()
- php-lang-correct removed ()
- Logical operators should be avoided ()
- Migration to the new cache subsystem ()
- Rework of feed.php and some other files ()
- Refactoring Cache ()
- Add new tests and refactoring ()
- Add tests ()
- Some fix after removed @ ()
- Add monolog ()
- Remove at ()
- Переделка файла dl.php на работу с новой базой ()
- Added use profiler and in(de)crement methods. ()
- Remove response service provider ()
- DI usage example ()
- Added methods to simplify the work with the database ()
- Captcha service provider ()
- Fixed a getting value from config through method toArray ()
- Fixed crypt notice ()
- Expansion Zend Config ()
- change preset to prs2 ()
- Applied fixes from StyleCI ()
UPDATE `bb_config` SET `config_value` = 'http://whatismyipaddress.com/ip/' WHERE `config_name` = 'whois_info';
DELETE FROM `bb_smilies` WHERE `code` = ':ad:';
INSERT INTO `bb_smilies` VALUES ('', ':сd:', 'сd.gif', 'сd');
DELETE FROM `bb_config` WHERE `config_name` = 'active_ads';
ALTER TABLE `bb_log` DROP COLUMN `log_username`;
DELETE FROM `bb_config` WHERE `config_name` = 'new_tpls';
UPDATE `bb_posts` SET `poster_ip` = '0';
ALTER TABLE `bb_posts` CHANGE `poster_ip` `poster_ip` varchar(42) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
UPDATE `bb_bt_tracker` SET `ip` = '0';
ALTER TABLE `bb_bt_tracker` CHANGE `ip` `ip` varchar(42) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
UPDATE `bb_users` SET `user_last_ip` = '0';
ALTER TABLE `bb_users` CHANGE `user_last_ip` `user_last_ip` varchar(42) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
UPDATE `bb_users` SET `user_reg_ip` = '0';
ALTER TABLE `bb_users` CHANGE `user_reg_ip` `user_reg_ip` varchar(42) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
UPDATE `bb_log` SET `log_user_ip` = '0';
ALTER TABLE `bb_log` CHANGE `log_user_ip` `log_user_ip` varchar(42) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
UPDATE `bb_poll_users` SET `vote_ip` = '0';
ALTER TABLE `bb_poll_users` CHANGE `vote_ip` `vote_ip` varchar(42) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
UPDATE `bb_privmsgs` SET `privmsgs_ip` = '0';
ALTER TABLE `bb_privmsgs` CHANGE `privmsgs_ip` `privmsgs_ip` varchar(42) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
UPDATE `bb_sessions` SET `session_ip` = '0';
ALTER TABLE `bb_sessions` CHANGE `session_ip` `session_ip` varchar(42) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
UPDATE `bb_banlist` SET `ban_ip` = '0';
ALTER TABLE `bb_banlist` CHANGE `ban_ip` `ban_ip` varchar(42) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';