db1 [MySQL]
0.0022 [67] connect to: localhost # tracker.php(501)
0.0001 [ 4] select db: tp2 # tracker.php(501)
0.0003 [ 8] SELECT tor.topic_id FROM bb_bt_torrents tor LEFT JOIN bb_bt_tracker_snap sn ON(sn.topic_id = tor.topic_id) WHERE sn.topic_id IS NOT NULL AND sn.seeders >= 1 ORDER BY tor.reg_time DESC LIMIT 2000 # 1 rows [tracker.php(621)]
0.0001 [ 3] SELECT auth_key FROM bb_bt_users WHERE user_id = 2 LIMIT 1 # 1 rows [tracker.php(710)]
0.0005 [13] SELECT tor.topic_id, tor.post_id, tor.attach_id, tor.size, tor.reg_time, tor.complete_count, tor.seeder_last_seen, tor.tor_status, tor.tor_type, t.topic_title, t.topic_time, t.topic_replies, t.topic_views, sn.seeders, sn.leechers, tor.info_hash , tor.forum_id, tor.poster_id, u.username, u.user_rank, dl.user_status AS dl_status FROM bb_bt_torrents tor LEFT JOIN bb_topics t ON(t.topic_id = tor.topic_id) LEFT JOIN bb_users u ON(u.user_id = tor.poster_id) LEFT JOIN bb_bt_dlstatus_mrg dl ON(dl.topic_id = tor.topic_id AND dl.user_id = 2) LEFT JOIN bb_bt_tracker_snap sn ON(sn.topic_id = tor.topic_id) WHERE tor.topic_id IN(2) ORDER BY tor.reg_time DESC LIMIT 50 # 2 rows [tracker.php(712)]
0.0001 [ 4] SELECT COUNT(report_id) AS report_count FROM bb_reports WHERE report_status IN(0, 1) # 1 rows [includes\functions_report.php(663)]
cache: bb_cache [Filecache]
0.0008 [67] cache->set('config_bb_config') # includes\functions.php(1265)
0.0004 [32] cache->set('report_modules') # includes\functions_report.php(55)
cache: session_cache [Filecache]
0.0006 [100] cache->set('FyM32RHzO1fjglTO1C5Z') # includes\sessions.php(844)
$datastore [Filecache]
0.0001 [50] cache->get('cat_forums') # tracker.php(307)
0.0001 [50] cache->get('ranks') # includes\functions.php(2818)